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v  k  m
 lgogdownloader --help
$ lgogdownloader --help
LGOGDownloader 3.7

  -h [ --help ]                         Print help message
  --version                             Print version information
  --login                               Login
  --list                                List games
  --list-details                        List games with detailed info
  --download                            Download
  --repair                              Repair downloaded files
                                        Use --repair --download to redownload 
                                        files when filesizes don't match 
                                        (possibly different version). 
                                        Redownload will rename the old file 
                                        (appends .old to filename)
  --game arg                            Set regular expression filter
                                        for download/list/repair (Perl syntax)
  --create-xml [=arg(=automatic)]       Create GOG XML for file
                                        "automatic" to enable automatic XML 
  --notifications                       Check notifications
  --updated                             List/download only games with update 
                                        flag set
  --clear-update-flags                  Clear update notification flags
  --check-orphans arg                   Check for orphaned files (files found 
                                        on local filesystem that are not found 
                                        on GOG servers). Sets regular 
                                        expression filter (Perl syntax) for 
                                        files to check. If no argument is given
                                        then the regex defaults to 
  --status                              Show status of files
                                        Output format:
                                        statuscode gamename filename filesize 
                                        Status codes:
                                        OK - File is OK
                                        ND - File is not downloaded
                                        MD5 - MD5 mismatch, different version
                                        FS - File size mismatch, incomplete 
  --save-config                         Create config file with current 
  --reset-config                        Reset config settings to default
  --report [=arg(=lgogdownloader-report.log)]
                                        Save report of downloaded/repaired 
                                        files to specified file
                                        Default filename: lgogdownloader-report
  --update-cache                        Update game details cache
  --no-platform-detection               Don't try to detect supported platforms
                                        from game shelf.
                                        Skips the initial fast platform 
                                        detection and detects the supported 
                                        platforms from game details which is 
                                        slower but more accurate.
                                        Useful in case platform identifier is 
                                        missing for some games in the game 
                                        Using --platform with --list doesn't 
                                        work with this option.
  --download-file arg                   Download files using fileid
                                        or: "gogdownloader://gamename/fileid"
                                        Multiple files:
                                        or: "gogdownloader://gamename1/fileid1,
                                        This option ignores all subdir options.
                                        The files are downloaded to directory 
                                        specified with --directory option.
  -o [ --output-file ] arg              Set filename of file downloaded with 
  --wishlist                            Show wishlist
  --cacert arg                          Path to CA certificate bundle in PEM 
  --respect-umask                       Do not adjust permissions of sensitive 
  --user-agent arg (=LGOGDownloader/3.7 (Linux x86_64))
                                        Set user agent

  --directory arg (=.)                  Set download directory
  --limit-rate arg (=0)                 Limit download rate to value in kB
                                        0 = unlimited
  --xml-directory arg                   Set directory for GOG XML files
  --chunk-size arg (=10)                Chunk size (in MB) when creating XML
  --platform arg (=w+l)                 Select which installers are downloaded
                                        Windows = w|win|windows
                                        Mac = m|mac|osx
                                        Linux = l|lin|linux
                                        All = all
                                        Set priority by separating values with 
                                        Combine values by separating with "+"
                                        Example: Linux if available otherwise 
                                        Windows and Mac: l,w+m
  --language arg (=en)                  Select which language installers are 
                                        English = en|eng|english|en[_-]US
                                        German = de|deu|ger|german|de[_-]DE
                                        French = fr|fra|fre|french|fr[_-]FR
                                        Polish = pl|pol|polish|pl[_-]PL
                                        Russian = ru|rus|russian|ru[_-]RU
                                        Chinese = cn|zh|zho|chi|chinese|zh[_-]C
                                        Czech = cz|cs|ces|cze|czech|cs[_-]CZ
                                        Spanish = es|spa|spanish|es[_-]ES
                                        Hungarian = hu|hun|hungarian|hu[_-]HU
                                        Italian = it|ita|italian|it[_-]IT
                                        Japanese = jp|ja|jpn|japanese|ja[_-]JP
                                        Turkish = tr|tur|turkish|tr[_-]TR
                                        Portuguese = pt|por|portuguese|pt[_-]PT
                                        Korean = ko|kor|korean|ko[_-]KR
                                        Dutch = nl|nld|dut|dutch|nl[_-]NL
                                        Swedish = sv|swe|swedish|sv[_-]SE
                                        Norwegian = no|nor|norwegian|nb[_-]no|n
                                        Danish = da|dan|danish|da[_-]DK
                                        Finnish = fi|fin|finnish|fi[_-]FI
                                        Brazilian Portuguese = 
                                        Slovak = sk|slk|slo|slovak|sk[_-]SK
                                        Bulgarian = bl|bg|bul|bulgarian|bg[_-]B
                                        Ukrainian = uk|ukr|ukrainian|uk[_-]UA
                                        Spanish (Latin American) = 
                                        Arabic = ar|ara|arabic|ar[_-][A-Z]{2}
                                        Romanian = ro|ron|rum|romanian|ro[_-][R
                                        Hebrew = he|heb|hebrew|he[_-]IL
                                        All = all
                                        Set priority by separating values with 
                                        Combine values by separating with "+"
                                        Example: German if available otherwise 
                                        English and French: de,en+fr
  --no-remote-xml                       Don't use remote XML for repair
  --no-unicode                          Don't use Unicode in the progress bar
  --no-color                            Don't use coloring in the progress bar 
                                        or status messages
  --no-duplicate-handling               Don't use duplicate handler for 
                                        Duplicate installers from different 
                                        languages are handled separately
  --no-subdirectories                   Don't create subdirectories for extras,
                                        patches and language packs
  --verbose                             Print lots of information
  --curl-verbose                        Set libcurl to verbose mode
  --insecure                            Don't verify authenticity of SSL 
  --timeout arg (=10)                   Set timeout for connection
                                        Maximum time in seconds that connection
                                        phase is allowed to take
  --retries arg (=3)                    Set maximum number of retries on failed
  --wait arg (=0)                       Time to wait between requests 
  --subdir-installers arg               Set subdirectory for installers
                                        - %platform%
                                        - %gamename%
                                        - %dlcname%
  --subdir-extras arg (=extras)         Set subdirectory for extras
                                        - %platform%
                                        - %gamename%
                                        - %dlcname%
  --subdir-patches arg (=patches)       Set subdirectory for patches
                                        - %platform%
                                        - %gamename%
                                        - %dlcname%
  --subdir-language-packs arg (=languagepacks)
                                        Set subdirectory for language packs
                                        - %platform%
                                        - %gamename%
                                        - %dlcname%
  --subdir-dlc arg (=dlc/%dlcname%)     Set subdirectory for dlc
                                        - %platform%
                                        - %gamename%
                                        - %dlcname%
  --subdir-game arg (=%gamename%)       Set subdirectory for game
                                        - %platform%
                                        - %gamename%
                                        - %dlcname%
  --use-cache                           Use game details cache
  --cache-valid arg (=2880)             Set how long cached game details are 
                                        valid (in minutes)
                                        Default: 2880 minutes (48 hours)
  --save-serials                        Save serial numbers when downloading
  --ignore-dlc-count [=arg(=.*)]        Set regular expression filter for games
                                        to ignore DLC count information
                                        Ignoring DLC count information helps in
                                        situations where the account page 
                                        doesn't provide accurate information 
                                        about DLCs
  --include arg (=all)                  Select what to download/list/repair
                                        Installers = i|installers
                                        Extras = e|extras
                                        Patches = p|patches
                                        Language packs = l|languagepacks|langpa
                                        DLCs = d|dlc|dlcs
                                        Separate with "," to use multiple 
  --exclude arg                         Select what not to download/list/repair
                                        Installers = i|installers
                                        Extras = e|extras
                                        Patches = p|patches
                                        Language packs = l|languagepacks|langpa
                                        DLCs = d|dlc|dlcs
                                        Separate with "," to use multiple 
  --automatic-xml-creation              Automatically create XML data after 
                                        download has completed
  --save-changelogs                     Save changelogs when downloading
  --threads arg (=4)                    Number of download threads
  --info-threads arg (=4)               Number of threads for getting product 
  --dlc-list arg (=
                                        Set URL for list of games that have DLC
  --progress-interval arg (=100)        Set interval for progress bar update 
                                        Value must be between 1 and 10000
  --lowspeed-timeout arg (=30)          Set time in number seconds that the 
                                        transfer speed should be below the rate
                                        set with --lowspeed-rate for it to 
                                        considered too slow and aborted
  --lowspeed-rate arg (=200)            Set average transfer speed in bytes per
                                        second that the transfer should be 
                                        below during time specified with 
                                        --lowspeed-timeout for it to be 
                                        considered too slow and aborted
  --include-hidden-products             Include games that have been set hidden
                                        in account page

  --galaxy-install arg                  Install game using product id 
                                        [product_id/build_index] or gamename 
                                        regex [gamename/build_id]
                                        Build index is used to select a build 
                                        and defaults to 0 if not specified.
                                        Example: 12345/2 selects build 2 for 
                                        product 12345
  --galaxy-show-builds arg              Show game builds using product id 
                                        [product_id/build_index] or gamename 
                                        regex [gamename/build_id]
                                        Build index is used to select a build 
                                        and defaults to 0 if not specified.
                                        Example: 12345/2 selects build 2 for 
                                        product 12345
  --galaxy-platform arg (=w)            Select platform
                                        Windows = w|win|windows
                                        Mac = m|mac|osx
                                        Linux = l|lin|linux
  --galaxy-language arg (=en)           Select language
                                        English = en|eng|english|en[_-]US
                                        German = de|deu|ger|german|de[_-]DE
                                        French = fr|fra|fre|french|fr[_-]FR
                                        Polish = pl|pol|polish|pl[_-]PL
                                        Russian = ru|rus|russian|ru[_-]RU
                                        Chinese = cn|zh|zho|chi|chinese|zh[_-]C
                                        Czech = cz|cs|ces|cze|czech|cs[_-]CZ
                                        Spanish = es|spa|spanish|es[_-]ES
                                        Hungarian = hu|hun|hungarian|hu[_-]HU
                                        Italian = it|ita|italian|it[_-]IT
                                        Japanese = jp|ja|jpn|japanese|ja[_-]JP
                                        Turkish = tr|tur|turkish|tr[_-]TR
                                        Portuguese = pt|por|portuguese|pt[_-]PT
                                        Korean = ko|kor|korean|ko[_-]KR
                                        Dutch = nl|nld|dut|dutch|nl[_-]NL
                                        Swedish = sv|swe|swedish|sv[_-]SE
                                        Norwegian = no|nor|norwegian|nb[_-]no|n
                                        Danish = da|dan|danish|da[_-]DK
                                        Finnish = fi|fin|finnish|fi[_-]FI
                                        Brazilian Portuguese = 
                                        Slovak = sk|slk|slo|slovak|sk[_-]SK
                                        Bulgarian = bl|bg|bul|bulgarian|bg[_-]B
                                        Ukrainian = uk|ukr|ukrainian|uk[_-]UA
                                        Spanish (Latin American) = 
                                        Arabic = ar|ara|arabic|ar[_-][A-Z]{2}
                                        Romanian = ro|ron|rum|romanian|ro[_-][R
                                        Hebrew = he|heb|hebrew|he[_-]IL
  --galaxy-arch arg (=x64)              Select architecture
                                        32-bit = 32|x86|32bit|32-bit
                                        64-bit = 64|x64|64bit|64-bit
  --galaxy-no-dependencies              Don't download dependencies during 
  --subdir-galaxy-install arg (=%install_dir%)
                                        Set subdirectory for galaxy install
                                        - %install_dir% = Installation 
                                        directory from Galaxy API response
                                        - %gamename% = Game name
                                        - %title% = Title of the game
                                        - %product_id% = Product id of the game
                                        - %install_dir_stripped% = 
                                        %install_dir% with some characters 
                                        - %title_stripped% = %title% with some 
                                        characters stripped
                                        "stripped" means that every character 
                                        that doesn't match the following list 
                                        is removed:
                                        > alphanumeric
                                        > space
                                        > - _ . ( ) [ ] { }
  --galaxy-cdn-priority arg (=edgecast,highwinds,gog_cdn)
                                        Set priority for used CDNs
                                        Edgecast = ec|edgecast
                                        Highwinds = hw|highwinds|high_winds
                                        GOG = gog|gog_cdn
                                        Set priority by separating values with 
                                        Combine values by separating with "+"
  --galaxy-delete-orphans               Delete orphaned files during 

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